Our goal is to keep our children and teachers safe by following COVID19 protocols from both the Center for Disease Control and the Alabama Department of Public Health. We need your patience and cooperation as we work together to keep our CDC safe and healthy.
We need you to know that despite our best efforts at the CDC and your best efforts at home, there is a great possibility that we might have a teacher or a child with a COVID19 positive at some point. When that happens we want you to know what to expect. If you, your child or a family member tests positive for COVID19, please let us know immediately. Our response will be determined by current state and local health department requirements including, but not limited to, classroom quarantine; short term closing (2-5 days) for testing, cleaning, and tracing; temporary long term closing if mandated by the local health department due to current community spread. We will wait the recommended 24 hours after closure to then clean and disinfect our building and all surfaces contained within our building including all other spaces outside or inside any other buildings that were contaminated.
We highly encourage you to have a backup plan for childcare as you might receive notice that the CDC is closed immediately for an undetermined amount of time. To help us stay open for as long as we can, as safely as we can, we need you to help us with the following things:
- Take care of your family through handwashing, social distancing, wearing masks, avoiding large gatherings, limiting exposure to others outside the center, staying home for any illness, etc.
- Park in the CDC parking lot and enter through the main CDC entrance. We will not accept children with a temp of 100.4 or higher.
- Wait outside the gate of each classroom for a teacher to receive your child. Only Heritage CDC staff and children are allowed inside the classroom. This procedure applies for drop off and pick up. Please do not enter the classroom.
- Practice social distancing inside our buildings as much as possible. To make room for other families, do not linger in the CDC building after drop off or pick up.
- Have patience with our staff, with other families, and with the children. This time has been stressful for everyone and will continue to be stressful as long as COVID19 is active in our community. We are intentionally working slowly and carefully to keep your child safe.