Toddlers & Twos
The preschool child is always learning. Therefore, each day is an opportunity to guide preschoolers as the explore the world around them. Refer to the Parent Handbook for specific information about two year old classes.
These classes use the ABC Jesus Loves Me curriculum and the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). ASQ focuses on communication, problem solving, fine motor, gross motor, and personal/social skills. For more detailed information about ABC Jesus Loves Me, visit
You can read more about individual classes below. You will find information about the class depending on age and development. Each description includes a link to a class schedule.
Candy Apples
The children in this class enjoy being with their friends. “No” is an automatic response, even when they mean “yes.” They crave attention, positive or negative. Two’s play alongside, not necessarily with their friends. Begin to understand taking turns and sharing. Like to take off their clothing. Children this age like to hear that God loves them. It is more important for two year olds to learn to be social with their friends than it is that they can recite the alphabet.
The Candy Apples teachers will love on your children. Help them discover the world around them, to get along with the friends in their class, learn new things. Being potty trained is a major goal for all of our two’s.
Honey Bees
The children in this class enjoy being with their friends. “No” is an automatic response, even when they mean “yes.” They crave attention, positive or negative. Two’s play alongside, not necessarily with their friends. Begin to understand taking turns and sharing. Like to take off their clothing. Children this age like to hear that God loves them. It is more important for two year olds to learn to be social with their friends than it is that they can recite the alphabet.
The Honey Bees teachers will love on your children. Help them discover the world around them, to get along with the friends in their class, learn new things. Being potty trained is a major goal for all of our two’s.