Programs & Curriculum
Our goal at the CDC is to equip your child with the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical skills that will guide them for the remainder of their lives. We want them to grow in the eight major concepts in the Christian education of preschoolers as well as foundational academic skills.


A child needs to know that God

  1. Made him.
  2. Provides for her needs.
  3. Loves him.
  4. Made the things of the natural world for her to enjoy.
  5. Is present everywhere.
We can meet these needs when we
  1. Teach a child skills that give her a feeling of self-worth.
  2. Praise God verbally in the moment of the child’s delight.
  3. Provide for a child’s needs in loving ways while talking about or singing about God.
  4. Interact with a child with nature items and openly share joy and wonder of God.
  5. Pray to God in a child’s language in different settings.
  6. Sing about God.
  7. Tell Bible stories about God.
  8. Show pictures of God’s world.


A child needs
  1. To grow in his awareness of the name Jesus.
  2. To think of Jesus as a tangible person about whom to talk.
  3. To associate Jesus with happy feelings.
We can meet these needs by
  1. Being aware of Jesus’ presence at all times ourselves.
  2. Telling Bible stories about Jesus.
  3. Singing songs about Jesus.
  4. Showing pictures of Jesus.
  5. Speaking the name of Jesus at a time the child has his needs satisfied.


A child needs to
  1. Grasp the idea of the inspiration of the Bible.
  2. Get the concept that the Bible tells us how to treat others.
  3. Learn to use the Bible to help open up herself to the abundant life.
We can meet these needs by
  1. Providing opportunities for a child to use the Bible in “real-life” experiences.
  2. Using Bible thoughts at appropriate times.
  3. Making the Bible the most important reading material of our lives.
  4. Telling Bible stories.
  5. Singing songs about the Bible.
  6. Showing pictures of people using the Bible.


A child needs to
  1. Have a good image of himself.
  2. Feel accepted and loved.
  3. Feel that he is important to himself.
  4. Express herself in a variety of ways.
  5. Experience a sense of accomplishment.
  6. Grow in her ability to cope with a widening range of feelings.
We can meet these needs by
  1. Providing a learning environment in which the child can successfully achieve.
  2. Accepting and loving a child just as he is.
  3. Helping a child meet her own needs.
  4. Encouraging creative use of materials.
  5. Expressing delight in a child’s accomplishments.
  6. Letting our feelings and how we handle them show to a child.
  7. Telling Bible stories, singing songs, and showing pictures about children doing things.


A child needs to 
  1. Learn that she is part of a family.
  2. Grow in his familiarity.
  3. Have opportunity to reveal that he has participated in a variety of experiences with his family.
  4. Have opportunity to reveal that she is loved by members of her family.
We can meet these needs by
  1. Talking freely about members of our family.
  2. Getting to know members of the children’s families.
  3. Telling Bible stories, singing songs, and showing pictures about Bible families.
  4. Providing similar activities at church that a child has at home and listening to his comments.
  5. Providing a home living center where a child can act out home experiences.


A child needs to
  1. Be happy in his relationship with others.
  2. Become more aware of other persons.
  3. Learn to respect the rights of others.
We can meet these needs by
  1. Providing an example in our own relationships.
  2. Removing hazards to happy relationships.
  3. Letting natural consequences follow the disregard of the rights of others.


A child needs to
  1. Recognize the church building as a special meeting place where she can have satisfying experiences.
  2. Become aware of people who help at church.
  3. Know that there are many people at church who love him.
  4. Develop interest, satisfaction, and joy as she learns that she can do many things at church.
We can meet these needs by
  1. Providing an environment suited to a child’s maturity.
    2. Bringing church helpers into personal contact with a child.
    3. Loving a child and helping him to achieve.
    4. Telling Bible stories, singing songs, and showing pictures of church activities.

The Natural World

A child needs to
  1. Develop awareness of the beauties and wonders in the world around him.
  2. Feel comfortable and secure within his physical environment.
  3. Realize that God made the beautiful things to enjoy.
  4. Feel thankful for the things God has made.
  5. Accept some responsibility for taking care of things which God has created and which she enjoys.
We can meet these needs by
  1. Surrounding the child with evidences of God’s beauties and wonders.
  2. Keeping the learning environment safe.
  3. Praising God spontaneously.
  4. Providing pets for children to care for.
  5. Reading Bible stories, singing songs, and showing pictures about God’s creations.